Rules & Guidelines

How to register. Terms, rules, guidelines.
Site Admin
Posts: 11
Joined: 2023 Aug 01, Tue 12:34 pm

Rules & Guidelines

Post: # 3Post William »

By accessing Harmonic Hearts forum, you agree to the following rules, which are part of the terms that users accept upon registration. These rules may be changed at any time.

  • You agree not to post any vulgar, slanderous, hateful, or sexually-oriented material. Doing so may lead to you being banned.
  • You agree that Harmonic Hearts has the right to edit, move, close, or remove any topic or post at any time.
  • You agree to any information you have entered being stored in a database.
  • Treat each other and the hosts with respect. Personal attacks will not be tolerated. If you disagree with something that has been posted, address the post, not the poster. Any breach of a rule or guideline may result in banning the offending user.
  • Address your post to the appropriate forum and stay on topic. Note that there is a forum for relevant topics for which no forum has yet been created.
  • There is also a forum for off-topic comments. While there are no restrictions regarding topics posted to this forum, you must still observe the general rules and guidelines when posting there.
  • Spammers and griefers will be banned and their posts deleted.
  • Links to commercial sites with material unrelated to the discussion at hand will be viewed as spam.
  • While links are permitted in signatures, links of a purely commercial nature will be removed and may lead to posts being deleted and the user being banned.
Respect each other's privacy. Posting contact information or other personal details of a third party without their permission is cause for banning and possible legal action. Do not post the content of emails or personal messages without the sender's permission.

Please do not quote entire posts. Quote only the relevant passages that you are addressing. Delete irrelevant parts from the quote before posting.

Please use appropriate discretion in starting new threads or replying to posts. Flooding the forums may result in posts being deleted. Please keep your posts succinct. This forum has limited storage and posts that are unnecessarily wordy may be deleted.

Avatar images should not exceed 600 pixels in either dimension and not be larger than 50kb. Consider using a thumbnail image of around 300x300 pixels and a URL link to an off-site version of the image.

Last bumped by William on 2023 Aug 03, Thu 6:31 pm.